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Download PUBG mobile game version 3.4

 Announcement of the version 3.4 update 

Download PUBG mobile game version 3.4

New themed mode: Bloodmoon Awakening

Download PUBG mobile game version 3.4 for Android
External link 3.4

رابط خارجي 3.4 ببجي موبايل 

Download PUBG mobile game version 3.4 for Android

Download PUBG mobile game version 3.4 for iPhone ios

Changing the shape of the character

He turned into a Wolf Warrior or a vampire demon and gained special abilities.

Transform into a Wolf Warrior using Wolf Salve:

Get a charge biting attack after transformation.

Run on all fours at high speeds.

Climb vertical walls by double jumping and wall jumping.

Use the "howl" ability to locate surrounding enemies. She also gives the player and all nearby allies a speed bonus and reduces the damage received.

 Turned into a vampire demon using blood oath extract:

Grow vampire wings that give you the ability to fly quickly over short distances to perform quick maneuvers.

After reaching a certain height, select a landing point to pounce and hit the area, causing damage and pushing enemies back.

Fire energy bombs that release Crimson gas when they explode. Players who have fallen inside the gas can not use medical instruments.

Eliminating the enemy will generate a "blood ball" that, when touched, quickly restores health. Vampire demons are able to absorb these balls from a distance.

New map areas

The Scarlet Castle:

Use the Scarlet keys scattered all over the map to open a temporary portal to the Scarlet Castle.

The Scarlet Castle alternates between day and night. A "bloody moon" may appear at night.

The territory of the castle consists of many unique areas such as gardens, a wine cellar and more.  A lot of supplies can be found in the regions.

Hide in one of the many coffins located around to ambush your enemies, beware of other players hiding.

Ritual boxes in the altar room contain rich loot and an element of revitalization of the Vampire throne. Get rid of your enemies to get to him first.

Legend has it that activating the Vampire throne in the castle unleashes a tremendous and mysterious power.

Settlement of wolves:

Explore this themed area to get a variety of supplies.

The settlement of Wolves also alternates between day and night. At night, you can activate a puzzle via the ancestral statue under the tree of spirits. Complete the puzzle to get the ancestral treasure.

There are plenty of ancient areas to explore, including the pub, the station, the Assembly Hall, the tree of spirits and more. A lot of supplies can be found in the regions.

Flexible beds made of animal skins allow players to jump and reach high places.

 Find the souls of lost wolves scattered around the settlement and touch them to return them to the tree of Souls. Supplies will be left behind.

New gameplay

Blood clan treasure clash: a special gameplay that takes place some time after the start of the match.

When it starts, all the remaining teams will be separated into groups.

Each group is assigned a blood clan fund. Its location can only be seen by members of the group.

Approach the blood clan chest and interact with it to activate the countdown. The box disintegrates at the end of the countdown, leaving supplies on the floor and a huge amount of scarlet rubies.

Ghost treasure

Activate a device in the treasure area to reveal hidden chests.

Some chests may turn out to be a treasure ghost when opened.

Defeat the treasure ghost to get amazing rewards.

New themed items

Scarlet key: available in themed mode. Use it to activate a portal to the Scarlet Castle.

 Scarlet Sapphire: a token that can be exchanged for special items in the store or converted into ordinary ones.

New vehicles

Horse: two-seater vehicle.

Able to cross complex terrain calmly and easily.

She has the ability to jump and swim. Players can shoot from them while riding and follow the allies.

She can be fed and called.

War Horse Bloodfire: available in premium mode. A horse is infected with"Crimson Energy". He has the ability to double jump, but is indistinguishable from an ordinary horse.

Note: the specific availability of the game depends on when the beta version has already been updated with it.

Try the new content in the beta server via the official download link.  (Note: the content in the beta test is subject to change before the final release.)


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