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Arm Last War - Sobrevivência Mundo Aberto (Android/IOS)

 Arm Last War - Sobrevivência Mundo Aberto (Android/IOS)

Arm Last War - Sobrevivência Mundo Aberto (Android/IOS)

⚠️Emphasis! Important information you should know during the ALPHA TEST 🚧

Because the game is in development. You may encounter various bugs and problems.

🔥ALPHA TEST has a total of 7 days, from June 29 to July 5, 2024.

Open for testing in all 20 rooms, 100 users per room, totaling only 2,000 users.


📌For players who experience jumping symptoms before entering the game. Configure the lobby page first, adjust the graphics settings to a minimum and disable Shadow.

🧟For players testing through the emulator, configure the settings as follows.

Phone Resolution: 1080 x 1920 (480 dpi)

- CPU: 8 cores

RAM: 8192M

Recommended specifications for mobile:

- Snapdragon 865

- Ram: 8GB

- Storage: 2GB

Minimum specifications for mobile:

- Snapdragon 460

- Ram: 6GB

- Storage: 2GB

🛠️ Participate directly in the development of the game. Report problems and suggestions to the team.


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