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The most important additions of update 3.4 to PUBG Mobile

 The most important additions of update 3.4 to PUBG Mobile📱 

The most important additions of update 3.3 to PUBG Mobile

 The update will be issued, God willing, on 7/10/2024 

 Until the 15th of the 7th month 

 Currently, you can try the new additions first if you download the beta version 3.3 

 Download PUBG Mobile game version 3.4 for Android 

 Download PUBG Mobile game version 3.4 for iPhone iOS 

 The most important additions of update 3.4 to PUBG Mobile 

 1. Modifying the venturi and adding a place to change the character’s appearance within the venturi 

 2. Adding the 120 frame feature to some modern devices 

 3. Adding a new mode (Atlantis) to the Erangel Live map 

 The most important additions within the new mode 

 1. Changing the shape of the parking lot and it became this way as shown in the video 

 2. Change the plane’s animation 

 3. Adding new cities - Adding two new cities within the Erangel map. If you go to any city, you will get a return card -

 The cities will be located in random areas inside the map and will be underground (a water city). There are many lots and boxes inside the two cities - also adding small cities. 

 4. Adding a new weapon (scepter), which is used to create a very powerful tornado. You can enter inside the tornado and control it. 

 5. Adding a new vehicle (jellyfish) that produces water bubbles and you can also move from one place to another inside the sea and on land. 

 6. Complete amendment to the city of Multa 

 7. Adding new secret places and tunnels within the Erangel map


 4. The possibility of the return of zombie mode 


 5. Add a new aircraft (warplane) within the load 

 6. Add a magnetic weapon inside the metro 

 7. Added new achievements for the Iron Atlantis mod 

 8.And also several other additions that we will explain if the update is available


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